Sunday, August 16, 2015

Meaning of Capital Market

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The term “Capital Market” is used to describe the institutional arrangements for facilitating the borrowing and lending of long-term funds. Usually, stress is laid on the markets for long term debt and equity claims, government securities, bonds, mortgages, and other instruments of long-term debts. Thus, the capital market embraces the system through which the public takes up long-term securities, either directly or through intermediaries. It consists of a series of channels through which the savings of the community are mobilized and made available to the entrepreneurs for undertaking investment activities.

Conventionally, short-term credit contracts are usually classified as money market instruments, while long-term debt contracts and equities are regarded as capital market instruments. In practice, however, there is a thin line of demarcation between the money market and the capital market, because quite often, the same institutions participate in the activities of both the markets, and there is flow of funds between the two markets.

The major functions performed by a capital market are as follows:
(a) Mobilization of financial resources on a nation-wide scale.
(b) Securing the foreign capital and know how to fill up the deficit in the required resources for economic growth at a faster rate.

(c) Effective allocation of the mobilized financial resources by directing the same to projects yielding highest yield or to the projects needed to promote balanced economic development.
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