Sunday, August 16, 2015

Advantages of Unit Banking

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Following are the main advantages of unit banking:

1. Efficient Management: One of the most important advantages of unit banking system is that it can be managed efficiently because of its size and work. Co-ordination and control becomes effective. There is no communication gap between the persons making decisions and those executing such decisions.

2. Better Service: Unit banks can render efficient service to their customers. Their area of operation being limited, they can concentrate well on that limited area and provide best possible service. Moreover, they can take care of all banking requirements of a particular area.

3. Close Customer-banker Relations: Since the area of operation is limited the customers can have direct contact. Their grievances can be redressed then and there.

4. No Evil Effects Due to Strikes or Closure: In case of there is a strike or closure of a unit, it does not have much impact on the trade and industry. Because of its small size. It does not affect the entire banking system.

5. No Monopolistic Practices: Since the size of the bank and area of its operation are limited, it is difficult for the bank to adopt monopolistic practices. Moreover, there is free competition. It will not be possible for the bank to indulge in monopolistic practices.

6. No Risks of Fraud: Due to small size of the bank, there is stricter and closer control of management. Therefore, the employees will not be able to commit fraud.

7. Closure of Inefficient Banks: Inefficient banks will be automatically closed as they would not be able to satisfy their customers by providing efficient service.

8. Local Development: Unit banking is localized banking. The unit bank has the specialized knowledge of the local problems and serves the requirement of the local people in a better manner than branch banking. The funds of the locality are utilized for the local development and are not transferred to other areas.

9. Promotes Regional Balance: Under unit banking system, there is no transfer

of resources from rural and backward areas to the big industrial and commercial centers. This tends to reduce regional imbalance.
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